Tuesday, April 24, 2007

if you ever felt like everyone was against you, remember they can be wrong

Below is a nice collection of quotations (unverified) that turned out to be very wrong. Many of the quotes are from very famous and respectable people. Maybe we should stop underestimating ourselves so much?

Friday, April 13, 2007

It should have been more better handled than that.

Principal, Teachers Resign After Sex Tape Released To Parents

Will someone please think of the children?

"Parents of Sandridge School students agree. They say some students were aware of the alleged misconduct long before parents found out about it. They also say they think more should have been done to protect the students."

"They should have handled the situation better than what they're doing. It's like they're more laid back about it," said parent Kareem Moseley, "and not only that – kids don't need to see nothing like that. It should have been more better handled than that."

I wonder if any of the teachers caught on tape taught English?

"Izzo said Cook County sheriff's police are investigating the case, including how someone got access to a school office and planted a recording device. The school board is interested in having them prosecuted."

Yeah, those pesky Parents again, trying to protect the students. Or, maybe it was a elementary school student filmographer? Possibly it was s Fox Reality TV show crew? Anyway, seems like the illegal recording of three individuals was in the public interest in this case. Or, the interests of "protecting the students."

Seems more like we should protect the parents from our teachers. Seriously, I don't care if 3 of my kid's teachers are having a bunch of consensual, legal fun in private. But, bring it to the school and you should be fired.

For the children's sake, let us hope that Sandridge School students can fight through this muck of sex and poor grammar.

CBS news report similar to CSI Miami episode

Seems like CBS is getting their news from CSI Miami scripts. CBS reported today on a baseball agent who was found guilty of smuggling 5 Cuban nationals into the US. I remember THAT episode of CSI Miami. I pretty much stopped watching CSI Miami because of the landmines on Miami Beach. Not like they didn't already jump the shark, but they broke my camel's back with that straw lashing.

I'm suprised CBS didn't link to the episode on Itunes.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Buzzillions.com - Search for what you want by reviews, not by product.

Buzzillions.com is a new site that allows users to search through product reviews from many major online retailers. Through Buzzillions.com, you can search for "Backpacks." Then, you can refine your search based on specific backpack's with a "Best Use" for Day Trip or Extended Hike, and with the Pro's of "Comfortable" and "Durable." Search results display product reviews prominently, and allow you to quickly search available products based on detailed reviews.

Most web retailers use a product based method to help customers make buying decisions. For example, an online retailer has a big database of products. They know detailed information about each product, i.e. Widget X is this big, this wide, this color, has this feature, etc. Naturally, most E-commerce searches are based on these product attributes. A quick visit to priceline.com, shopping.yahoo.com, et. al., would show that a large number of products are sold by many retailers. This forces a retailer to use the Product's Price to differentiate their Widget X from another retailer selling the exact same product on these marketplaces. This is good for the consumer, but bad for the retailer. Also, one might find as the price for an item goes down on these marketplace sites, eventually it becomes unprofitable to sell that item. Few successful businesses were built on the concept of selling items for a loss, but people continue to try. When their intial funding runs out, these businesses shut their doors and leave customers in the wind.

Amazon.com, and other retailers, assist customers in their buying decisions using complicated mathematical algorithms based off previous behavior, Customer Reviews, and other user generated content. These are effective methods of helping customers choose which item will fit their needs.

Buzzillions.com goes deeper, and asks more questions. It seems to be the highest refinement of product review searches on the web. Beats epinions.com hands down.

Feel free to comment, and tell me why you think I am wrong.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Review of an Ipod Speaker System for your office

I was tired of plugging my ipod into my computer speakers every time I brought my Ipod to the office. Then, I had to connect my AC adapter for the Ipod to charge. Ugh. You should see me crawling around on my office floor every day.

Using this Ipod speaker system, I can just drop the Ipod into the dock, grab the remote, and cycle through my Ipod playlists and songs. Now I can grab the Ipod easily every time I need to leave the office, and I just drop it into the dock when I come back. The speakers sound better than the AM/FM Cd player I used when my I forgot to charge my Ipod.

Just my 2 cents,

Monday, April 9, 2007

Digg Traffic v/s Google Traffic - A Chitika Analysis Report

There’s been a lot of discussion about the value of Digg traffic (Problogger, Neil Patel, etc). This analysis aims to use the data culled from the Chitika logs over a 31 day period to put an actual number to this theory. Since pretty much everyone receives Google traffic, this analysis uses Google as a base to compare against.

read more | digg story

Don't want to forget this code that should output an new .xml file from PHP


//Creates XML string and XML document using the DOM
$dom = new DomDocument('1.0');

//add root -
$books = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('books'));

//add element to
$book = $books->appendChild($dom->createElement('book'));

//add element to
$title = $book->appendChild($dom->createElement('title'));

//add text node element to
$dom->createTextNode('Great American Novel'));

//generate xml
$dom->formatOutput = true; // set the formatOutput attribute of
// domDocument to true
// save XML as string or file
$test1 = $dom->saveXML(); // put string in test1
$dom->save('test1.xml'); // save as file

Sunday, April 8, 2007

PHP Dynamic Google Base Shipping Costs based on rules

Use the code below to connect to your database containing your prices and then use a bit of hard coded PHP to pick the correct shipping cost to include in the google base XML feed. Comment away on how you could do it better. Below is based on a Price Level shipping structure, but it could be modified to use weights or a dynamic allocation of shipping charges.

//select which database you want to connect
$result = mysql_query("select
Replace(Price, '$', '') as Price from urproductstable;");;
// i like always having numrows available even though I'm not using it here
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
//skip the rest of the xml attributes to get directly to the shipping cost code
if ( $r["Price"] <= 24.99 ) { $shippingcost = "3.95"; } elseif ( $r["Price"] >= 25 and $r["Price"] <= 49.99 ){ $shippingcost = "4.95"; } elseif ( $r["Price"] >= 50 and $r["Price"] <= 74.99 ){ $shippingcost = "5.95"; } elseif ( $r["Price"] >= 75 and $r["Price"] <= 99.99 ){ $shippingcost = "6.95"; } echo '


PHP Add Date

To add 7 days to today's date in PHP do this,

$somevariable = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+7, date("Y"));
$datevariable = date('Y-m-d',

*Change what is in bold to suit your needs

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Ipod use while driving might be as bad as cellphone usage

There is a good article about Ipod use while driving located here. It equates Ipod use with using your cell phone while driving.

One suggestion is to use the random or shuffle feature while driving. Or, you could use a radio frequency remote designed to be used with your ipod that might be a tad safer than looking at the screen and using the click wheel while driving. You can check out the ijet RF remote for the ipod at specialtyshack.com.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Great Car Charger for Ipod use in car and at home

I bought this ipod charger recently, and I've found it very useful in both my car and at my house. I can plug my ipod into it while I'm driving, and it charges my ipod up. Then, when I get to my house or office, I can take the charger with me and use it on any standard household electrical outlet.

There are a bunch of other cool ipod cases, chargers, remotes, and more here.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Japan Subway Biological attack

Not Quite News: Footage from a past Japanese Subway Biological attack, watch the terrorists at work here.

Air traffic controller comedy

Here is a collection of funny Air Traffic Controller and Pilot conversations. You need a laugh, read this,

Monday, March 12, 2007

Pretty Interesting Basic Shopping Cart Design

Talk about Niche marketing, these guys (or gals) do it well.

Real basic design, but seems to be pretty functional.
I certainly like the cart progress buttons at the top.

Much better than,

Friday, March 9, 2007

You ever have chunks of time missing, where you can't remember what happened?

Man, I can't remember what I did for the last few hours. I looked at when I posted the previous post, and it says 3:32 PM. I just posted it, and looked at my cellphone. Something like 2 and 2/3 hours have passed since I posted. What happened to all that time? Am I losing my mind?

Or, are my blogger.com time settings off. When I have time I'll check.

habitual use of commas

I, as you know, have a problem using commas too frequently, as a way of enclosing thoughts in parentheticals. But, I typically just do it on accident, since I'm writing as I type, with very little editing. Hey, I don't get paid to type. Actually, you should probably get paid to read this, since it is wasting your time.

Can you apply the patriot act to those applying the patriot act. Er, rather do any laws apply to them?

Newsflash (uh, not really)

Justice: FBI misused Patriot Act powers

"Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who oversees the FBI, described the problems cited in the report as unacceptable and left open the possibility of criminal charges. He ordered further investigation."- From the Yahoo news Article here

Uh, surely we got something in our bag of tricks to secretly monitor the activities of those who are secretly monitoring the activities of us.

Whatever......just as long as the soylent green keeps coming.

Also, on a lighter note, this next sentence from the article sux from an informational perspective,

"Fine's annual review is required by Congress, over the objections of the Bush administration."

1. Who exactly objected. Better to state, over the objection of X.
where X = something that could be confirmed.

Stating one specific person's objection is more informative than broadly mentioning the objections of many. I suggest the following as a better sentence, "Fine's annual review is required by Congress, over the objection of Gonzales (or whomever made the most strenous objection)." Fewer letters and more informative, and the blame isn't with some intangible "Administration."
Or, just this,
"Fine's annual review is required by Congress, to which the Bush Administration objects."
(see how I did that?)

2. Why are the objections pertinent? Are we to infer that Congress overruled the objection, or that in some way there was a battle amongst ideas. The Executive branch has no authority over Congress, and objections are irrelevent. Actually, the president not having ANY power to directly influence these types of situations is the core of our political system. Good thing the Pres doesn't have line item veto power, else the audit provision wouldn't be there.

3. If you have two items in a list you are suppossed to have three, but I really don't. So,
I'll close with, is the article any worse off with out this sentence in it?
"Fine's annual review is required by Congress, over the objections of the Bush administration."

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Still Day One

It is in the nature of the scorpion to sting the frog, so I post again, testing features. By the way, buy stuff from this place, or just tell me what sucks about the site. Your dreams will multiply, either way.

Day One

Day One....Set up a blogger account. Add me to the others, I am now a sheep. My sheep voice is loud though, so watch out.